Portrait of Humanity

An image from my recent series The Candy Men has been published in the latest edition of Portrait of Humanity by Hoxton Mini Press. The image, which is just one from a larger body of work, was shot in Mumbai, India last year. The image shows a local candyfloss (cotton candy) seller with his homemade rig for displaying the candy and attracting a sale. You can see the whole series by clicking on this link www.jonenoch.com/candy-man and you will of course be able to find the book - as they say - in all good bookstores. As an advertising photographer who usually works for a client, it's enormously satisfying and rewarding to shoot personal work like this which is totally in my own vision.

Hanoi Bikes

Some personal work here from a shoot over in Hanoi, Vietnam. Shooting the cities colourful moped riding delivery drivers and vendors. We were in the city for a little under 1 week finding and shooting the men who use their two wheeled bikes to deliver a huge array of goods from fish to children’s toys. We shot at night, a combination of wanting to capture the mixed light of the evening and also out of logistics; its hard to find any space in the day time that isn’t occupied.

Hanoi Fish Man - Lifestyle Photography
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Advertising photographer Jon Enoch at work on location in Hanoi

Norway - Into The Wild

Some images from a recent shoot in Norway for a six page travel feature. I spent four days in Northern Norway with an arctic survival guide and former Norwegian Special Forces soldier. It was late summer so the conditions were not as harsh as they could have been. No tents, we slept under the stars and caught fish in remote lakes. So isolated was our location that in the four days we didn't see another person, car, road or in fact any sign of man. As a lifestyle photographer you couldn’t wish for better light or subjects.

A weekend in the wild of Norway by lifestyle and portrait photographer Jon Enoch
